Silicon Valley sucks

Pravi Michael Arrington iz TechCrunch:

Somewhere in there the money started rolling in. Our first dime of revenue was December 2005. A few months later a lot of companies were raising $3 million A rounds, then $7 million A rounds after the YouTube acquisition. Companies started to hire marketing managers and PR firms, and spending tens of thousands of dollars on launch parties. Now, a year after the madness started, it’s even worse. Companies have to actively dodge venture capitalists to avoid raising a big round of financing.

Times are good, money is flowing, and Silicon Valley sucks.

Zelo zanimivo, celo ganljivo napisano. 🙂 Denar je pokvaril vse in nekateri, med drugim tudi Michael, komaj čakajo na ‘korekcijo’, ki bo stvari zopet spravila na svoje mesto (kot se je to zgodilo v začetku novega tisočletja).

Ali še kdo rabi dodaten dokaz, da se novi pok balončka bliža? 😉