Magična formula za uspeh

Nešteto je vprašanj po raznih forumih, srečanjih in ob pogovorih – kaj naj naredim, da uspem? Zadnjič sem naletel na izredno dober prispevek na podjetniško-poslovnem forumu, ki odgovarja na to vprašanje:

Do You Have a Successful Entrepreneurial Premise?

Zanimiva primerjava je z lovljenjem bogatstva in mačko na ulici:

Money is a like a mischievous cat; if you chase it around the neighborhood, it eludes you – hiding up a tree, behind the rose bush, or in the garden. However, if you ignore it and focus on what attracts the cat other than the cat itself, it will come to you and sit right in your lap.

Sklicuje se predvsem na tiste, ki iščejo posel na način “kaj naj začnem delati, da bom dobro zaslužil”, “s čim lahko danes dobro zaslužim” ipd. Namesto zbeganega “lovljenja mačke” je bolje, da se posvetimo rešitvi težav, ki jih imajo ljudje okoli nas.

If you can make 1,000,000 people achieve any of the following:

1.) Make them feel better
2.) Help them solve a problem
3.) Educate them
4.) Make them look better (health, nutrition, clothing, makeup)
5.) Give them security (housing, safety, health)
6.) Arise a positive emotion (love, happiness, laughter, self-confidence)
7.) Satisfy appetites of all kind, from basic (food) to the risqué (sexual).
8.) Make things easier
9.) Enhance their dreams and give hope

Do any of the above and I can guarantee you this: You will be worth millions.

Do You Have a Successful Entrepreneurial Premise?